Combine numbers using math operators to reach the target number:
In "Digits", every puzzle presents you with a target number and six unique starting numbers. Your task is to employ these initial digits in mathematical calculations, aiming to craft the elusive target number. With the constraint that each of the six numbers can only be used once, the answer to each calculation morphs into a fresh number, making this game a captivating fusion of math, strategy, and creativity as you strive to conquer each numeric challenge.
Begin by breaking down the target number into its prime factors or identifying any recognizable patterns or relationships within it. This can give you insights into how to create or approach that number using the starting numbers.
Apply the operations to the starting numbers to create intermediate results. These intermediary numbers can serve as stepping stones toward your target. Keep track of your calculations and intermediate results. Since you can undo operations, be prepared to backtrack and adjust your approach if you hit a dead end or realize a more efficient path to your goal.
Keep playing and mixing up the numbers until you hit the target. Don't be afraid to try different combinations and approaches. With practice, you may develop a knack for recognizing efficient strategies and discovering new ways to reach the target number.